Міжнародная выстава чайнай прамысловасці Кітая (Ганьсу).

From July 19, 2024 until July 22, 2024

У Міжнародным канферэнц-выставачным цэнтры Ланьчжоу - Ганьсу, Ганьсу, Кітай

Аўтар: Canton Fair Net


катэгорыі: Харчовая і напоі

Ключавыя словы: чай

Колькасць праглядаў: 2347


1. Lanzhou population. As of the end 2016, Lanzhou had a population of 3.2423 millions, which included 2.2273 urban residents and 1.01 million rural residents. The permanent population of the city was 3.7055 millions at the end the year. This is an increase of 12.400 over the previous year. The urban population is 3.0018 millions, which represents 81.01% of the total population. This represents an increase by 0.06 percentage points over the previous year. The rural population is 703,700 people, representing 18.99%. The number of births was 37,500 and the birth rates was 10.1%0. This was an increase by 0.32 thousand point over the prior year. The number of deaths in the year was 17,600 and the mortality rate 4.74%0. This was an increase by 0.03 thousand point over the preceding year. The city's population at the end of 2019 was 3.3192, which included 2.3572 urban residents and 962 rural residents. The city's permanent resident population at the end was 3.7909, up 37,300 over the previous year. The urban population was 3,0721 million and accounted for 81.04% (urbanization rate) of the permanent population. This is an increase of 0.01 points from the previous year. The number of births was 34,100 with a 9.0%0 birth rate; the number deaths was 21,000 with a 5.53%0 death rate; and the rate of natural population growth was 3.47%0.

2. Ланьчжоў падзелены на 5 адміністрацыйных раёнаў (на 2018 год): раён Чэнгуань; раён Ціхэ; раён Сігу; Раёны Анін і Хунгу. Ён таксама мае 3 акругі: акругу Юндэн і акругу Юйчжун. Новы раён Ланьчжоў. Ланьчжоўская зона высокіх тэхналогій. Ланьчжоўская зона эканамічнага і тэхналагічнага развіцця. Муніцыпальнае самакіраванне: муніцыпалітэт знаходзіцца ў No. Муніцыпальнае самакіраванне знаходзіцца па адрасе 637 Nanbinhe East Road у раёне Чэнгуань.